Hi there.

Just wondering if this is something I need to worry about.

I'm running freshclam as a daemon. Logs show it's updating virus
defintions just fine.  However, I noticed this in ps aux yesterday:

readproctitle service errors: ...supervise: fatal: unable to start
freshclam/run: file does not exist
supervise: warning: unable to open freshclam/supervise/status.new: file
does not exist
root     26223  0.0  0.0  1380  288 ?        S    Jan02   0:00 supervise
qscand   26224  0.0  0.0  2692 1284 ?        S    Jan02   0:31
/usr/local/bin/freshclam -d --stdout

As I said, freschclam's running fine, so what do I do about these errors?


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