> Thank you Gary,
> You were perfectly right. I was running 0.90.1, so I updated to 0.95.2
> using Etch backports, and clamav-daemon started right away.
> Best regards,
Of course backports will work, but as you can see, it's a little behind 
volatile (current release is 0.95.3). If you have not considered volatile, I 
think it's worth a look. Its whole purpose in life is to make newer versions of 
a few programs (like clamav and spamassassin) available to a stable release. 
With lenny, the lenny volatile package source is now included in 
/etc/apt/sources.list when the system is installed. Who knows, maybe the 
problem you experienced was one of the reasons it's now included, considering 
that the version of clamav included in etch broke after some time.
Gary V                                    
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