Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

 > And you can cut the crap about "well you should have configured your
 system to not stop when ClamAV stopped" - that's rubbish because it's
 already been made perfectly clear right at the start of one of these
 threads that the project team consider any configuration that doesn't
 > break if ClamAV isn't working right to be broken.

As the originator of those comments, you have misquoted me.

The project team consider any CLAMD configuration -- not any MAIL
configuration -- that doesn't break CLAMD if ClamAV isn't working right to
be broken.

Because of this, it has been recomended, repeatedly, for years, that mail
systems be configured to deliver mail unfiltered if the milter fails.

Ah, now that is being very disingenious again - and it's logically inconsistent with the stated position.

What you are saying is that ClamAV should NOT work if there is a problem because to not work would expose people to having their mail not checked when they expect it to be. But they also recommend configuring your system so that if ClamAV doesn't work, it will pass the mail unfiltered.

So ClamAV as a package won't silently 'not work' for the safety of users - and this has been the justification for their approach to this issue. But at the very same time they are recommending a setup which will silently not scan mail if there's a problem with ClamAV.

Interesting logic there guys.

Simon Hobson

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