Hi, all--

On Apr 24, 2010, at 1:19 AM, Simon Hobson wrote:
> Forget it, it's been covered, and you'll never persuade this group of people 
> that a) there was any alternative,

You have plenty of alternatives.  You can switch to using other AV software 
from Norton, McCafee, TrendMicro, Panda, Kaspersky, and others.  You can switch 
to using AV/anti-spam hardware appliances from Barracuda, Ironport, Proofpoint, 
Roaring Penguin, and others.

You could also continue to use ClamAV, and provide your own signatures, or 
simply not run freshclam.  You could continue to use older ClamAV, but disable 
the "I'm too old" check, and hope that the bugs which have been fixed since 
then aren't exploitable.  (In point of fact, fixing the issues with ClamAV 
yourself is a lot more work than simply upgrading to a more recent version, but 
the source is available...)

> or b) that there was anything ethically or legally wrong with the course of 
> action they did take.

Correct: there is fundamental disagreement about this point, and it seems clear 
enough that neither side is going to persuade the other, so continuing to argue 
about it is a waste of time.  Please do something more constructive than 
continue to argue so that this list can return to a normal signal-to-noise 


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