* Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Has the team explored the notion of checking MD5 hashes of signature
> files before deciding to reload them? Is it even possible to reload only
> those that have changed since the last reload?
I've wondered about a similar idea for speeding up file scanning.
Especially in regards to daily system scans,

After an initial scan, record a file's name, checksum, and time scanned.
On rescan,
If a file's checksum hasn't changed from time scanned {
        Scan it with the DB sigs that have changed since then
        Scan it like it does now
        ( with everything in the DB, I assume. )

Although, I'm known for coming up with hair brained ideas, so this one might
go to /dev/null


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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