On 6/16/10 6:24 PM, Mark Allan at markjal...@blueyonder.co.uk wrote:

> On 16 Jun 2010, at 10:26 pm, Larry Stone wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Jun 2010, Török Edwin wrote:
>> On 06/16/2010 11:58 PM, Larry Stone wrote:
>>>> This is on a PowerPC Macintosh runing OS X 10.5.8 and ClamAV 0.96.1.
>>> Are you sure it is 0.96.1? Did you restart clamd after the upgrade?
>> Yes, it's 0.96.1. Even when I was running 0.96, it had the patch for
>> 1921 applied.
> Same here on 0.96.1 on PPC.  Removing the bytecode definitions file
> (bytecode.cld) causes the crash to go away.

Unfortunately, only until the next time freshclam runs. I moved the old
bytcode.cld out of the way, ran freshclam, and still get the crash.

For now, I have bytecode.cld moved out of the way and freshclam disabled so
it seems OK for now.

Larry Stone

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