* Russ Tyndall wrote:
> The system these questions involve is OS X.4.11 Intel using the ClamAV 
> engine 0.95.2.
> ClamD is running and Clamdscan will perform scans manually and successfully
>  finds the test EICAR file.
> ClamD is running as Root (as identified in Activity Monitor), started from
>  a LaunchDaemon.
> Questions: 
> 1) When scans are manually executed vis clamdscan and a virus is
>  found, will the VirusEvent defined in clamd.conf still fire?


> I can find no evidence that it is firing, nor any signs (log entries) that
> the command is failing.

Usually all that I see are log entries like this

Jul  6 05:11:32 host clamd[30362]: /path/to/infected/file/infectedfile:
VirusName FOUND

or this

Jul  6 05:12:26 host clamd[30362]: stream: VirusName FOUND

Nothing is logged about the VirusEvent Script.
There may be a way to get that out of clamd, but I'm not sure.

> 2) Can the VirusEvent command be to run a console app? (e.g., 
> /local/bin/mycustomconsoleapp "%v" )
I don't see why not.

Clamd also passes the virus name and file via variables in the virusevent's

<shameless plug>
A virusevent script can be found at
</shameless plug>


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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