On Dec 30, 2010, at 4:56 PM, Jerry wrote:

> I recently noticed that my stats are not being updated online. The
> "Last detected IP:" is obviously incorrect. When I attempt to
> update manually, I receive this message:
> *** Virus databases are not updated in this mode ***
> SubmitDetectionStats: Not enough recent data for submission
> There have been hundreds of detections, so that is certainly not the
> problem. I shutdown clamd, etc and erased the clamd and freshclam log
> files and rebooted the system. Two days later it is still not recording
> any stats.
> This use to work fine. It just suddenly seems to have stopped working in
> the past week or two. The output of:
> clamd --version
> ClamAV 0.96.5/12457/Thu Dec 30 08:25:24 2010
> From the clamd.log file:
> clamd daemon 0.96.5 (OS: freebsd8.2, ARCH: amd64, CPU: amd64)
> I was thinking that it might be a firewall problem; however, that would
> not explain the "Not enough recent data" message.
> -- 
> Jerry ✌
> clamav.u...@seibercom.net


Don't know what your problem is but stats are accumulated and sent from 
freshclam by reading your logs , You might check your freshclam.


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