On 2/11/2011 8:31 AM, Jan-Pieter Cornet wrote:
On the other hand, since you haven't updated ClamAV in over a year, leading to 
(significantly) decreased detection, maybe the scanning of email isn't top 
priority, and your mail scanning engine needs to fallback to letting mail 
through on scan errors.

Forgive me for this but....

3-4 days after v0.97 is released, v0.95 is considered obsolete and
no longer worth testing databases for.  However, I don't see that an
announcement went out to this effect.  And in fact, when you follow
the OUTDATED link in the software it mentions 0.94.  If you want to
consider 0.95 series EOL please update.

The test database feature seems plenty reason to upgrade without
beating us over the head about what slackers we are.  For some of us
though it means compiling and deploying to production which carries
it's own overhead that may be more than a "need it fixed NOW"
as management wrings its hands.  We disabled freshclam and kept
running an older database instead.

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