2011/2/21 Török Edwin <edwinto...@gmail.com>:
> On 2011-02-19 19:59, Barry Cisna wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Been using Clamav and Clamwin in our school enviornment for many years
>> now. We run into from time to time viruses that get hanged onto our lan
>> from kids dragging in stuff that shouldn't be there,on their usb sticks.
>> I am sure this has been asked before but I could not honestly find any
>> close to realistic solutions.
>> Is there any way possible of an 'on demand' scanner that would lock the
>> usb stick as soon as it is inserted into a workstation until it was
>> scanned and then become available to the end user once it was scanned?
> You can try "Immunet 3.0 powered by ClamAV":
> http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/about/win32/

Does it use clamav engine by default? The documentation is a bit vague
on that, and the impression I get is that it only use clamav engine
when specifically set to do so (it's off by default), and even then
only for on-demand scanning.

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