* Dennis Peterson wrote:
> I think they've only said what they won't do, and I'm 100% certain it comes
>  from SourceFire legal. I'd do the same thing.

Understood, I tend to get too hot, too fast, with these guys.
Apologies Dev Team.

> It is only annoying to me because I'd built a lot of back end reporting 
> tools and management did not seeing anything to do with "UNOFFICIAL". The 
> product is already on the suspect list simply for being open source which 
> too many managers still believe is equivalent to unsupported.


> And when you tell them they can buy support, what do you suppose the
> response is? Buy support for an open source product? Are you crazy?

They would do it for an inferior commercial product too.
Thats the funny / sad part.


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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