OLCESE, Marcelo Oscar. wrote:

>Query, why is not avaible in the repositories squeeze 0.97.1 version?
>Nor are the "volatile" repositories.

Simple - because it hasn't made it yet. It has made it into Unstable (Sid), and 
in time it will work it's way through.

The way things work is :
The main program gets updated - known as the "upstream" package from the 
perspective of a distribution.
The maintainer of the packaged version for the distribution spots that it's 
been updated.
He'll pull down the new version, apply any changes to "distributionise" it, and 
build a package for the distribution.
This distribution specific package then goes through a testing process before 
being released through the distribution specific mechanisms.

In the case of Debian, this means that one of several package maintainers 
(there are three individuals, plus ClamAV Team listed) has observed the new 
upstream version.
It's been "debianised", and put into Sid.
At some point, when it's been decided that it's stable etc, it will migrate to 
testing, volatile and backports as appropriate.
Eventually, when the next Debian release happens, it will migrate to stable.

Many of these steps will be automated, but still need checking. For example, 
part of "Debianising" a package involves moving components from wherever the 
upstream package normally puts them to the locations used by Debian, and 
creating distribution specific files (such as the startup/shutdown script for 
While this would be done with automated scripts and patch files, each time the 
upstream version changes, these need to be checked to see that they still work 
correctly - and of course, the scripts/patches updated if something has changed.

There may of course be distribution specific bugs/issues to be dealt with, and 
some of those may well involve creating a fix to be passed up to the upstream 
package maintainers.

The price you pay for using a distribution rather than doing it yourself is 
that you get a delay between the upstream package getting updated and your 
distribution reflecting that. The upside is that others have done a **LOT** of 
work so that you don't have to.
You have a choice - either wait, try installing the package from Sid, or 
download the upstream package and install it manually. All of these have their 
pros and cons - you would have to work which is best for you.

I hope this gives you some idea of the process involved, and why there is 
inevitably a delay before an update appears when you "apt-get update && apt-get 
Simon Hobson

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