On 9/15/11 1:30 AM, "Tomasz Kojm" <tk...@clamav.net> wrote:

> Hey Al,
> please run 'freshclam -v' and look for this line:
> "Using IPv6 aware code"
> If it's not there, then most likely freshclam is using the older
> networking code, which does not randomize IP addresses on its own but
> only relies on the DNS.
Here it is:
Current working dir is /usr/local/clamXav/share/clamav
Max retries == 3
ClamAV update process started at Thu Sep 15 01:37:17 2011
Using IPv6 aware code <----------------
Querying current.cvd.clamav.net
TTL: 224
Software version from DNS: 0.97.2
main.cvd version from DNS: 53
main.cld is up to date (version: 53, sigs: 846214, f-level: 53, builder:
daily.cvd version from DNS: 13619
Retrieving http://db.US.clamav.net/daily-13618.cdiff
Trying to download http://db.US.clamav.net/daily-13618.cdiff (IP:
Downloading daily-13618.cdiff [100%]
cdiff_apply: Parsed 17 lines and executed 17 commands
Retrieving http://db.US.clamav.net/daily-13619.cdiff
Trying to download http://db.US.clamav.net/daily-13619.cdiff (IP:
Downloading daily-13619.cdiff [100%]
cdiff_apply: Parsed 16 lines and executed 16 commands
Loading signatures from daily.cld
Properly loaded 193008 signatures from new daily.cld
daily.cld updated (version: 13619, sigs: 193008, f-level: 60, builder:
Querying daily.13619.
bytecode.cvd version from DNS: 144
bytecode.cvd is up to date (version: 144, sigs: 41, f-level: 60, builder:
Database updated (1039263 signatures) from db.US.clamav.net (IP:

Looks to be OK.

Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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