Hi Jim - thanks for the suggestion

How can we have clamAV automatically scan the images after they are
uploaded (to catch any viruses as quickly as possible)?   If it is not
possible to set up clamAV like this, how can we set up a cron job to scan
the image folders and domain / server ?

Thanks for all the help!

>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Some questions about setting up ClamAV
> From: Simon Hobson <li...@thehobsons.co.uk>
> Date: Wed, January 25, 2012 10:35 am
> To: ClamAV users ML <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
> Andy Newby wrote:
> >We're using ClamAV on a Unix Centos Server, with WHM and Cpanel, we would
> >like to do this:
> >
> >1) Set up a cron job to scan a single domain (via Cpanel), and a cron job
> >for the entire server (via WHM), how?
> Create cron jobs to call clamscan with the options you want ?
> >2) We would like to set up a cron job to update ClamAV with the latest
> >virus DB on a single domain (via Cpanel), and a cron job for the entire
> >server (via WHM), how?
> Ditto. Setup cron jobs to call freshclam. Or just let freshclam do
> it's job automatically. If you have a lot of instances to update, you
> might consider setting up a central server to fetch updates and then
> let individual servers/instances fetch from that.
> >3) our web site allows users to upload images via a standard form. We
> >would like to set up ClamAV to be able to scan their file before it gets
> >uploaded to the server, how can we do this?
> You can't - it's not there to scan before it's been uploaded. You'd
> need to look at the software being used and get it to scan all new
> files before it goes on to use them.
> --
> Simon Hobson
> Visit http://www.magpiesnestpublishing.co.uk/ for books by acclaimed
> author Gladys Hobson. Novels - poetry - short stories - ideal as
> Christmas stocking fillers. Some available as e-books.
> _______________________________________________
> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net
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Andy Newby
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net

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