On 9/18/2012 6:24 PM, Joel Esler wrote:

ClamAV Stats, we need more of them, we need your help

We've been working pretty hard behind the scenes over here on ClamAV, its 
backend infrastructure, and moving the codebase as well as its detection up the 
In order for us to get some accurate statistics about what you all are seeing out there, 
in the field, we need as many people as possible to "opt-in" to some statistics 
gathering features that we have built into the code base.

If you've ever browsed around ClamAV.net, I'm sure you've probably bumped into 
this page:


at some point.  These are statistics that are provided by you all, the users of 
ClamAV, collected and correlated on our backend systems here.  It allows us to 
see trends across signatures and allows us to check in on what you are seeing 
in the actual real world.
We need more people to opt-in to this feature.  We are looking at growing the 
detection rate and feature set of ClamAV's detection functionality, and this 
type of data will allow us to see where we need to pinpoint resources.

If you can participate in the program, please go here:


Follow the instructions above and you should be good to go!  Thanks!

I made the changes listed in the howto and restarted clamd and freshclam. How can I tell if it's working? I don't see anything in the freshclam logs indicating that it is submitting the statistics.

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