Hello List

I have a zip file containing a .pptx file which ClamAV claims to be "BC.Exploit.CVE_2012_1885-1". But virustotal and virscan.org have no complain at all.



Therefore i beleive it is a false positive. But:


tells me:

This file is not detected by ClamAV. Please update your CVD database before reporting false-positives. If you are using third-party databases/unofficial signatures, please contact the author of the signature. We can only process false-positives generated by ClamAV Official signatures.

Please correct the above errors and retry. Thank you for helping the ClamAV project.

* ClamAV 0.97.6/15708/Mon Dec 10 04:27:19 2012

* bytecode.cvd: Clam AntiVirus database 07 Dec 2012 11-56 -0500, version 203, gzipped * daily.cvd: Clam AntiVirus database 09 Dec 2012 22-27 -0500, version 1570, gzipped * main.cvd: Clam AntiVirus database 11 Oct 2011 10-34 -0400, version 54, gzipped

* Here some Debug Output
LibClamAV debug: Bytecode found virus: BC.Exploit.CVE_2012_1885-1
LibClamAV debug: hashtab: Freeing hashset, elements: 0, capacity: 0
LibClamAV debug: BC.Exploit.CVE_2012_1885-1 found in descriptor 4
LibClamAV debug: FP SIGNATURE: 5f0acbdb343776f56a64efae302cb581:177664:BC.Exploit.CVE_2012_1885-1
LibClamAV debug: cli_magic_scandesc: returning 1  at line 2388
LibClamAV debug: FP SIGNATURE: c7054cb8e0d78fbb65929c5fbed889ab:22415087:BC.Exploit.CVE_2012_1885-1
LibClamAV debug: cli_magic_scandesc: returning 1  at line 2350

Can somebody tell me anything more?

Best regards
Matthias Egger
ETH Zurich
Department of Information Technology          maeg...@ee.ethz.ch
and Electrical Engineering
IT Support Group (ISG.EE), ETL/F/24.1         Phone +41 (0)44 632 03 90
Physikstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zurich               Fax   +41 (0)44 632 11 95
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