On 1/7/2013 4:38 PM, Tom Judge wrote:
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On 1/7/13 4:26 PM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
Interesting.  I took a look at my freshclam logs and I am seeing
this kind of thing about once a day as well.  In my case, it seems
  to be a temporary problem and fails to download the cvd as well
complaining that the mirrors are not synchronized.  In both of the
  cases that I looked at, it succeeded with the update on the next

Once it was apparently trying to download the wrong cdiff number.
The next attempt found a daily.cld version that was 1 number prior
  to the number it was trying to download before (16392 rather than
  16393) and declared it to be up to date.

The other one I looked at closely failed all of the downloads and
then successfully downloaded the new cdiff (same number it was
trying before) on the next attempt.

I'm not running ClamXav, but the issues may be related.

Can you (and anyone else seeing these issues) provide us a copy of
this log file(s)?

Where would you like me to send it?

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