Note: I have combined too messages for clarity

On 02/14/2013 09:50 AM, Joel Esler wrote:
In any case.  This signature was dropped a couple days ago, and beyond that, 
users can ignore it on their end.

-- Joel Esler Senior Research Engineer, VRT Open Source Community Manager

On 02/16/2013 05:15 AM, Joel Esler wrote:
Thanks to you all for your input on this matter.  I don't think we need to 
continue this thread any further.

The signature is in place.  If users want to remove the jailbreak from 
quarantine or whitelist the signature, they are more than welcome to do so.

We apologize if this has caused any inconvenience for anyone.  ClamAV runs in 
all kinds of places, from the Linux desktop to the mail filter, to the 
enterprise AV solution.  Trying to anticipate the needs of everyone is 
impossible, and sometimes we have to rely on the flexibility and openness of 
the project.

We appreciate your feedback and again, apologize for any inconvenience it has 

Joel Esler
Sent from my iPhone 

On Feb 16, 2013, at 6:26 AM, Peter Bonivart<>  wrote:


I have to agree we have beat this enough and now digressed to who is in the majority, "honest" or "jailbreaking" iphone users.

This reply is just to request a clarification on Joel's statements. They appear to be conflicting in my opinion. To end this thread, please clarify the signature status, is or is not evasi0n currently being detected? I am fine with either and using a local solution (whitelist or .ign).

And while I could query the databases to find out, I did want the answer in the thread.

Jim Preston

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