On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 16:11 +0100, Benny Pedersen wrote:
> David Raynor skrev den 2013-03-26 16:05:
> > Yes. If you ran sigtool to get the info from your daily.cvd file and 
> > it
> > shows "Functionality level: 63", you don't have the problem. You 
> > should
> > also be able to validate that your daily.cvd hashes do not match the 
> > values
> > at the top of that page.
> so its a typo on webpage should just say 63, not 73 ?
> please dont use my email in reply template

Benny, you can't dictate what people do like that. You either have a
misunderstanding of the way things work, or you do realize that your
e-mail plastered all over the Internet on everything you've replied to.

That means as of right now... that I can see:

5 instances on just this list archive.

Have a nice day.
greg folkert - systems administration and support
web:    donor.com
email:  g...@donor.com
phone:  877-751-3300 x416
direct: 616-328-6449 (direct dial and fax)
"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one
that is waiting for us."
    -- Joseph Campbell

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