On 8/14/13 2:23:28PM, David Raynor wrote:

I'll look a bit more at how we are loading the interim signature state and
see what else we could do with the sorting. Meanwhile, this is a change you
could put into practice now and get faster startup times. Before making any
change on a server directly, you can test a modified DB with clamscan to
see the difference.

My testing VM is 64-bit Debian, if it matters.

Hope this helps,

Dave R.

I presume reloading signatures into an existing daemon instance is a blocking event. Is it possible to instantiate a new instance and migrate the socket to that instance once the update is completed, and then kill the stale daemon? I really don't care much about load times to be honest (> 5 minutes on older SPARC systems) but do care about memory as I have it running on some pared down but very reliable hardware here and there.

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