Hey All,

This bug only affects OSX machines and is due to an improper return. This
commit fixes it:

Additionally, this bug has been filed as bug 10986:



On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:05 PM, James Brown <jlbr...@bordo.com.au> wrote:

> On 8 May 2014, at 12:02 pm, Dennis Peterson <denni...@inetnw.com> wrote:
> > On 5/7/14, 6:38 PM, James Brown wrote:
> >> Have just upgraded to version 0.98.3 from 0.98.1.
> >>
> >> Clamd starts fine, but anytime I reload the database (e.g. running
> freshclam) clamd will crash.
> >>
> >>
> > Would you mind pasting in the output of clamconf too, please. I'd like
> to see the build options compared to my own.
> >
> > dp
> $ clamconf
> Checking configuration files in /usr/local/etc
> Config file: clamd.conf
> -----------------------
> LogFile = "/var/log/clamd.log"
> StatsHostID disabled
> StatsEnabled disabled
> StatsPEDisabled disabled
> StatsTimeout disabled
> LogFileUnlock disabled
> LogFileMaxSize = "2097152"
> LogTime = "yes"
> LogClean disabled
> LogSyslog disabled
> LogFacility = "LOG_LOCAL6"
> LogVerbose disabled
> LogRotate = "yes"
> ExtendedDetectionInfo = "yes"
> PidFile = "/var/run/clamd/clamd.pid"
> TemporaryDirectory disabled
> DatabaseDirectory = "/usr/local/clamav"
> OfficialDatabaseOnly disabled
> LocalSocket = "/tmp/clamd"
> LocalSocketGroup disabled
> LocalSocketMode disabled
> FixStaleSocket = "yes"
> TCPSocket disabled
> TCPAddr disabled
> MaxConnectionQueueLength = "200"
> StreamMaxLength = "26214400"
> StreamMinPort = "1024"
> StreamMaxPort = "2048"
> MaxThreads = "10"
> ReadTimeout = "120"
> CommandReadTimeout = "5"
> SendBufTimeout = "500"
> MaxQueue = "100"
> IdleTimeout = "30"
> ExcludePath disabled
> MaxDirectoryRecursion = "15"
> FollowDirectorySymlinks disabled
> FollowFileSymlinks disabled
> CrossFilesystems = "yes"
> SelfCheck = "600"
> DisableCache disabled
> VirusEvent disabled
> ExitOnOOM disabled
> AllowAllMatchScan = "yes"
> Foreground disabled
> Debug disabled
> LeaveTemporaryFiles disabled
> User disabled
> AllowSupplementaryGroups disabled
> Bytecode = "yes"
> BytecodeSecurity = "TrustSigned"
> BytecodeTimeout = "5000"
> BytecodeUnsigned disabled
> BytecodeMode = "Auto"
> DetectPUA disabled
> ExcludePUA disabled
> IncludePUA disabled
> AlgorithmicDetection = "yes"
> ScanPE = "yes"
> ScanELF = "yes"
> DetectBrokenExecutables disabled
> ScanMail = "yes"
> ScanPartialMessages = "yes"
> PhishingSignatures = "yes"
> PhishingScanURLs = "yes"
> PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak disabled
> PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch disabled
> PartitionIntersection disabled
> HeuristicScanPrecedence disabled
> StructuredDataDetection disabled
> StructuredMinCreditCardCount = "3"
> StructuredMinSSNCount = "3"
> StructuredSSNFormatNormal = "yes"
> StructuredSSNFormatStripped disabled
> ScanHTML = "yes"
> ScanOLE2 = "yes"
> OLE2BlockMacros disabled
> ScanPDF = "yes"
> ScanSWF = "yes"
> ScanArchive = "yes"
> ArchiveBlockEncrypted disabled
> ForceToDisk disabled
> MaxScanSize = "104857600"
> MaxFileSize = "26214400"
> MaxRecursion = "16"
> MaxFiles = "10000"
> MaxEmbeddedPE = "10485760"
> MaxHTMLNormalize = "10485760"
> MaxHTMLNoTags = "2097152"
> MaxScriptNormalize = "5242880"
> MaxZipTypeRcg = "1048576"
> MaxPartitions = "50"
> MaxIconsPE = "100"
> ScanOnAccess disabled
> OnAccessIncludePath disabled
> OnAccessExcludePath disabled
> OnAccessExcludeUID disabled
> OnAccessMaxFileSize = "5242880"
> DevACOnly disabled
> DevACDepth disabled
> DevPerformance disabled
> DevLiblog disabled
> DisableCertCheck disabled
> Config file: freshclam.conf
> ---------------------------
> StatsHostID disabled
> StatsEnabled disabled
> StatsTimeout disabled
> LogFileMaxSize = "4294967295"
> LogTime disabled
> LogSyslog = "yes"
> LogFacility = "LOG_LOCAL6"
> LogVerbose disabled
> LogRotate disabled
> PidFile = "/var/run/freshclam.pid"
> DatabaseDirectory = "/usr/local/clamav"
> Foreground disabled
> Debug disabled
> AllowSupplementaryGroups disabled
> UpdateLogFile = "/var/log/freshclam.log"
> DatabaseOwner = "clamav"
> Checks = "48"
> DNSDatabaseInfo = "current.cvd.clamav.net"
> DatabaseMirror = "db.AU.clamav.net", "database.clamav.net"
> PrivateMirror disabled
> MaxAttempts = "3"
> ScriptedUpdates = "yes"
> TestDatabases = "yes"
> CompressLocalDatabase disabled
> ExtraDatabase disabled
> DatabaseCustomURL disabled
> HTTPProxyServer disabled
> HTTPProxyPort disabled
> HTTPProxyUsername disabled
> HTTPProxyPassword disabled
> HTTPUserAgent disabled
> NotifyClamd = "/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf"
> OnUpdateExecute disabled
> OnErrorExecute disabled
> OnOutdatedExecute disabled
> LocalIPAddress disabled
> ConnectTimeout = "30"
> ReceiveTimeout = "30"
> SubmitDetectionStats = "/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf"
> DetectionStatsCountry disabled
> DetectionStatsHostID disabled
> SafeBrowsing = "yes"
> Bytecode = "yes"
> clamav-milter.conf not found
> Software settings
> -----------------
> Version: 0.98.3
> Optional features supported: MEMPOOL IPv6 AUTOIT_EA06 BZIP2 RAR JIT
> Database information
> --------------------
> Database directory: /usr/local/clamav
> [3rd Party] blurl.ndb: 152 sigs
> bytecode.cvd: version 236, sigs: 43, built on Thu Feb  6 04:36:14 2014
> [3rd Party] crdfam.clamav.hdb: 4999 sigs
> daily.cvd: version 18942, sigs: 936304, built on Thu May  8 08:54:44 2014
> [3rd Party] doppelstern.hdb: 1 sig
> [3rd Party] foxhole_filename.cdb: 16 sigs
> [3rd Party] foxhole_generic.cdb: 93 sigs
> [3rd Party] honeynet.hdb: 377 sigs
> [3rd Party] junk.ndb: 47472 sigs
> [3rd Party] jurlbl.ndb: 6864 sigs
> main.cvd: version 55, sigs: 2424225, built on Wed Sep 18 00:57:28 2013
> [3rd Party] malwarehash.hsb: 89 sigs
> [3rd Party] phish.ndb: 23528 sigs
> [3rd Party] phishtank.ndb: 22134 sigs
> [3rd Party] porcupine.ndb: 2004 sigs
> [3rd Party] rogue.hdb: 810 sigs
> safebrowsing.cvd: version 41892, sigs: 354425, built on Thu May  8
> 06:00:04 2014
> [3rd Party] sanesecurity.ftm: 158 sigs
> [3rd Party] scam.ndb: 12053 sigs
> [3rd Party] scamnailer.ndb: 46668 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfo.hdb: 332792 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfobat.hdb: 2600 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfodos.hdb: 4509 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfoelf.hdb: 1256 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfohtml.hdb: 72478 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfooffice.hdb: 4264 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfopdf.hdb: 6206 sigs
> [3rd Party] securiteinfosh.hdb: 404 sigs
> [3rd Party] spamimg.hdb: 37 sigs
> [3rd Party] winnow.attachments.hdb: 803 sigs
> [3rd Party] winnow_bad_cw.hdb: 370 sigs
> [3rd Party] winnow_extended_malware.hdb: 10378 sigs
> [3rd Party] winnow_malware.hdb: 7038 sigs
> [3rd Party] winnow_malware_links.ndb: 12610 sigs
> Total number of signatures: 4338160
> Platform information
> --------------------
> uname: Darwin 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT
> 2012; root x86_64
> OS: darwin11.4.2, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64
> zlib version: 1.2.5 (1.2.5), compile flags: a9
> Triple: x86_64-apple-darwin11
> CPU: i686, Little-endian
> platform id: 0x04224d4d0804020101040201
> Build information
> -----------------
> LLVM-GCC: 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)
> (4.2.1)
> GNU C++: 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)
> (4.2.1)
> Configure:
> sizeof(void*) = 8
> Engine flevel: 77, dconf: 77
> _______________________________________________
> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:
> https://github.com/vrtadmin/clamav-faq
> http://www.clamav.net/support/ml
Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:

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