On 2014/05/12 14:57, Steve Basford wrote:
> On Mon, May 12, 2014 2:12 pm, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > I'm running clamav on OpenBSD/amd64 5.5 (with various sanesecurity
> > hdb's, if that matters). Built from ports (with LLVM 3.3).
> Hi,
> Is is random or only on a certain email?
> Do have a full copy of the email shown in your log?
> If you do, does a clamdscan on the email cause a crash?

I've isolated a certain email which seems particularly likely to
trigger it, but it doesn't happen every time for that message.
>From the last few attempts running clamdscan in a loop, it
took approx 100, 10, 300, 130 attempts to hit the crash.

It also happens for clamscan (I removed all standard db's and
included only the single signature triggered by this mail so it
would start quickly).

I have only hit this crash if a signature is matched (i.e.
I haven't hit it if I remove phish.ndb).

Here's a backtrace from clamscan built with -O0, I can provide
message/sig to attempt to reproduce off-list.

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x000008617687540b in boundaryEnd (line=0x8616bbebd81 " ", 
    boundary=0x8616ad88b60 "----------9305594F5ADCAB39") at mbox.c:2273
        len = 26
        newline = 0x86169a74000 ""
        p = 0x86169a74000 ""
        p2 = 0x86169a73fff <Address 0x86169a73fff out of bounds>
#1  0x0000086176873baa in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0x861753cd980, textIn=0x0, 
    mctx=0x7f7ffffc31a0, recursion_level=0) at mbox.c:1494
        line = 0x8616bbebd81 " "
        lines = 4
        m = (message **) 0x8616bbeb890
        old_rc = FAIL
        subtype = 5
        htmltextPart = 0
        inMimeHead = 0
        mimeSubtype = 0x8616bbeb000 "mixed"
        boundary = 0x8616ad88b60 "----------9305594F5ADCAB39"
        aMessage = (message *) 0x86169a75080
        mimeType = MULTIPART
        inhead = 0
        i = 0
        t_line = (const text *) 0x8616bbeb270
        multiparts = 0
        messages = (message **) 0x8616bbeb890
        rc = OK
        aText = (text *) 0x0
        mainMessage = (message *) 0x861753cd980
        fb = (fileblob *) 0x0
        infected = false
        engine = (const struct cl_engine *) 0x8617164e800
        doPhishingScan = 1
#2  0x0000086176871e35 in cli_parse_mbox (
    dir=0x8616fe80d80 "/tmp//clamav-d32876238e1c0847f3ed68257ceb49c6.tmp", 
    ctx=0x7f7ffffc39e0) at mbox.c:508
        retcode = 0
        body = (message *) 0x861753cd980
        buffer = "Return-Path: <>\n\000\000c6", '\0' <repeats 20 times>, 
 '\0' <repeats 23 times>, "ÃñÖha\b", '\0' <repeats 14 times>, 
 '\0' <repeats 23 times>, "d¥Ùha\b", '\0' <repeats 290 times>, 
        mctx = {
  dir = 0x8616fe80d80 "/tmp//clamav-d32876238e1c0847f3ed68257ceb49c6.tmp", 
  rfc821Table = 0x8616ad986e0, subtypeTable = 0x8616ad88080, 
  ctx = 0x7f7ffffc39e0, files = 0}
        at = 21404
        map = (fmap_t *) 0x8616796b000
#3  0x0000086176871845 in cli_mbox (
    dir=0x8616fe80d80 "/tmp//clamav-d32876238e1c0847f3ed68257ceb49c6.tmp", 
    ctx=0x7f7ffffc39e0) at mbox.c:309
No locals.
#4  0x0000086176866520 in cli_scanmail (ctx=0x7f7ffffc39e0) at scanners.c:1804
        dir = 0x8616fe80d80 "/tmp//clamav-d32876238e1c0847f3ed68257ceb49c6.tmp"
        ret = 2145
        viruses_found = 0
#5  0x000008617686a49c in magic_scandesc (ctx=0x7f7ffffc39e0, 
    type=CL_TYPE_MAIL) at scanners.c:2697
        ret = 0
        dettype = CL_TYPE_ANY
        typercg = 1 '\001'
        current_container_type = CL_TYPE_ANY
        current_container_size = 0
        hashed_size = 21404
        hash = "uÒ\000\000Qÿ·/\005|ÝÅgB§Æ"
        old_hook_lsig_matches = (bitset_t *) 0x8616bbeb780
        filetype = 0x86176b1bf94 "CL_TYPE_MAIL"
        cache_clean = 0
        res = 1
#6  0x000008617686c178 in cli_base_scandesc (desc=3, ctx=0x7f7ffffc39e0, 
    type=CL_TYPE_ANY) at scanners.c:3007
        sb = {st_mode = 33184, st_dev = 9985, st_ino = 45975, st_nlink = 1, 
  st_uid = 1000, st_gid = 0, st_rdev = -1, st_atim = {tv_sec = 1399905336, 
    tv_nsec = 495715245}, st_mtim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62550638}, 
  st_ctim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62555667}, st_size = 21404, 
  st_blocks = 48, st_blksize = 4096, st_flags = 0, st_gen = 0, 
  __st_birthtim = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 0}}
        ret = 32639
#7  0x000008617686c1fa in cli_magic_scandesc (desc=3, ctx=0x7f7ffffc39e0)
    at scanners.c:3016
No locals.
#8  0x000008617686cbf6 in scan_common (desc=3, map=0x0, 
    virname=0x7f7ffffc3c58, scanned=0x85f672275d8, engine=0x8617164e800, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 
    scanoptions=4219447, context=0x7f7ffffc3c30) at scanners.c:3233
        ctx = {virname = 0x7f7ffffc3c58, num_viruses = 0, size_viruses = 0, 
  scanned = 0x85f672275d8, root = 0x0, engine = 0x8617164e800, 
  scansize = 21404, options = 4219447, recursion = 1, scannedfiles = 1, 
  found_possibly_unwanted = 0, corrupted_input = 0, img_validate = 0, 
  container_type = CL_TYPE_MAIL, container_size = 21404, 
  handlertype_hash = '\0' <repeats 15 times>, dconf = 0x8616f0fe3b8, 
  fmap = 0x86169502b08, hook_lsig_matches = 0x8616bbebe70, 
  cb_ctx = 0x7f7ffffc3c30, perf = 0x0}
        rc = 0
        sb = {st_mode = 33184, st_dev = 9985, st_ino = 45975, st_nlink = 1, 
  st_uid = 1000, st_gid = 0, st_rdev = -1, st_atim = {tv_sec = 1399905336, 
    tv_nsec = 495715245}, st_mtim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62550638}, 
  st_ctim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62555667}, st_size = 21404, 
  st_blocks = 48, st_blksize = 4096, st_flags = 0, st_gen = 0, 
  __st_birthtim = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 0}}
#9  0x000008617686cd10 in cl_scandesc_callback (desc=3, 
    virname=0x7f7ffffc3c58, scanned=0x85f672275d8, engine=0x8617164e800, 
    scanoptions=4219447, context=0x7f7ffffc3c30) at scanners.c:3252
No locals.
#10 0x0000085f66e123ad in scanfile (filename=0x8616bbebdd0 "test", 
    engine=0x8617164e800, opts=0x8616afdcc80, options=4219447) at manager.c:303
        ret = 0
        fd = 3
        included = 2145
        i = 1895541136
        opt = (const struct optstruct *) 0x8616afdc480
        virname = 0x86170fba120 ""
        virpp = (const char **) 0x7f7ffffc3c58
        sb = {st_mode = 33184, st_dev = 9985, st_ino = 45975, st_nlink = 1, 
  st_uid = 1000, st_gid = 0, st_rdev = -1, st_atim = {tv_sec = 1399905336, 
    tv_nsec = 495715245}, st_mtim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62550638}, 
  st_ctim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62555667}, st_size = 21404, 
  st_blocks = 48, st_blksize = 4096, st_flags = 0, st_gen = 0, 
  __st_birthtim = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 0}}
        chain = {chains = 0x0, lastadd = 0, lastvir = 0, level = 0, n = 0}
#11 0x0000085f66e14c23 in scanmanager (opts=0x8616afdcc80) at manager.c:1005
        ret = 0
        i = 3
        options = 4219447
        dboptions = 8202
        dirlnk = 1
        filelnk = 1
        engine = (struct cl_engine *) 0x8617164e800
        sb = {st_mode = 33184, st_dev = 9985, st_ino = 45975, st_nlink = 1, 
  st_uid = 1000, st_gid = 0, st_rdev = -1, st_atim = {tv_sec = 1399905336, 
    tv_nsec = 495715245}, st_mtim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62550638}, 
  st_ctim = {tv_sec = 1399904591, tv_nsec = 62555667}, st_size = 21404, 
  st_blocks = 48, st_blksize = 4096, st_flags = 0, st_gen = 0, 
  __st_birthtim = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 0}}
        file = 0x8616bbebdd0 "test"
        cwd = 
 '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "@üÿ\177\177\000\000 
        pua_cats = 0x0
        filename = 0x8616bbebc10 "test"
        opt = (const struct optstruct *) 0x861753cde00
        rlim = {rlim_cur = 9223372036854775807, rlim_max = 9223372036854775807}
#12 0x0000085f66e10e4c in main (argc=2, argv=0x7f7ffffc43d8) at clamscan.c:166
        ds = 0
        dms = 2
        ret = 32639
        mb = 6.9261942496159218e-310
        rmb = 6.9261942496182933e-310
        t1 = {tv_sec = 1399905336, tv_usec = 624304}
        t2 = {tv_sec = 9212704849920, tv_usec = 0}
        sigset = 16777216
        opts = (struct optstruct *) 0x8616afdcc80
        opt = (const struct optstruct *) 0x86175d39a80

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