On 5/9/2014 7:41 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
On 5/9/14, 7:33 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
On 5/8/2014 10:35 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
[root@qmt-cos5 etc]# grep -v ^# clamd.conf | grep -v ^$
Inefficiency bugs me...  You can do multiple patterns with a single grep using
the -e flag.

grep -v -e ^# -e ^$ clamd.conf

Try (and there are surely others even shorter)

    egrep -v '^(#|$)' clamd.*f

That works too, but I was more concerned with the extra grep process than anything else. You also lose a bit of readability that way as you have to parse the (admittedly simple) regexp to figure out what it is doing.

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