On Jun 25, 2014, at 2:34, "Al Varnell" <alvarn...@mac.com> wrote:

>> Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
>> It wouldn't hurt to have a youtube video that shows admins how to generate 
>> simple day 0 check sum sigs that they can deploy locally while waiting for a 
>> Cisco/SourceFire signature. In fact the submission process generates a 
>> checksum that just needs to be captured to a file.
> Good point and FYI Mark Allan has implemented exactly that process to provide 
> such a quick-turnaround capability for all ClamXav users (currently 65 
> additional signatures).  Unfortunately I haven’t noticed a single one of them 
> replaced by an official signature yet.

Same goes for Mark.  Mark, you want to submit them to official?  Let's do this. 
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