Thank you for the submissions James.

It looks like it is alerting on this:


I removed the 'top level' extension .html from this signature, and
considered removing .js but didn't. I'll revise these later today to not
have .js, as that is not a huge threat in terms of executables and is
causing enough FPs.

- Douglas

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Steve Basford <> wrote:

> On Wed, September 17, 2014 1:53 pm, James Meason wrote:
> > Uploaded! (Zip.Suspect.MiscDoubleExtension-zippwd-4 FOUND)
> Hi James,
> ClamAV team have created a signature which helps block double attachments,
> in much the same way that the Sanesecurity foxhole sigs have been
> doing for a while now.
> However, I think they'd gone slightly overboard...
> here's the sig...
> daily.zmd:Zip.Suspect.MiscDoubleExtension-zippwd-4:*:(?i)((\.doc)|([
> _.-](7z|avi
> |bmp|csv|docx|gif|gz|jpeg|jpg|mov|mp3|mp4|mpg|pdf|png|pps|ppt|pptx|psd|rar|tar|t
> ar\.gz|tif|tiff|txt|wav|xls|xlsx|zip)))[
> _.-]*\.(action|air|apk|app|as|awk|bin|c
> ommand|csh|deb|dmg|ipa|jar|js|jsx|ksh|nexe|osx|out|pkg|plx|prg|rpm|run|script|sh
> |swf):*:*:*:*:*:*
> foxhole_filename.cdb will do a similar job, but has been made as flexable
> as possible for the end_user to whitelist for extension type and only
> contains double extensions that have been actually seen carrying malware.
> To whitelist...
> printf Zip.Suspect.MiscDoubleExtension-zippwd-4 > localign.ign2
> restart clamd
> Cheers,
> Steve
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