Dmg scanning was added a couple of versions back.

Joel Esler
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 27, 2015, at 3:11 AM, Al Varnell 
<<>> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 11:17PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:

Forgot to include dmg files are as described when mounted - else they are disk 
images (cpio). I don't know what the clam product does with unmounted disk 


That’s correct.  There have been a handful (nine) .dmg hash signatures quite 
awhile ago and I’ve handled a couple of false positives, but there is no 
attempt to check the image contents which would almost certainly require 
mounting.  I believe they are simply scanned as a generic file.


On 3/26/15 11:09 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
The dmg files are logical structures. They are comprised of Unix directories 
and files and clam doesn't need to treat them differently than any other 
directory tree. if you have support compiled in for zip, RAR, TAR, and several 
other archiving formats it should decompose them and scan each of the the 
contents. You should be able to explore the log to see what clamXav did while 


On 3/26/15 10:44 PM, Jinwon Lee wrote:

I am a new member.

I am a Mac user and so I use ClamXav to scan my files.

My question is:

‘Does ClamXav scan what’s inside Compressed files like .RAR, .zip…. and Package 
files like .dmg?’    Because I feel ClamXav takes
considerably longer to scan the extracted file/s compared to the compressed 
versions and wonder if it really scans them.

Kind Regards
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