
I read the documentation for setting up a local repo for my clients :

My proxy server is running the crontab to get the update on the internet :
*/30 * * * * /root/z_script_for_crontab/clamdownloader.pl

I have an issue with my clients, which happen from time to time :

Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> Received signal: wake up
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> ClamAV update process started at Wed Oct 21
14:53:03 2015
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> main.cvd is up to date (version: 55, sigs:
2424225, f-level: 60, builder: neo)
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: getfile: daily-20992.cdiff not found
on remote server (IP:
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: getpatch: Can't download
daily-20992.cdiff from proxy
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: getpatch: Can't download
daily-20992.cdiff from proxy
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: getpatch: Can't download
daily-20992.cdiff from proxy
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: getpatch: Can't download
daily-20992.cdiff from proxy
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: getpatch: Can't download
daily-20992.cdiff from proxy
Wed Oct 21 14:53:03 2015 -> WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to
download daily.cvd
Wed Oct 21 14:53:04 2015 -> Downloading daily.cvd [100%]
Wed Oct 21 14:53:05 2015 -> WARNING: Mirror is not synchronized.
Wed Oct 21 14:53:05 2015 -> Trying again in 5 secs...

I checked on the proxy, the file  daily-20992.cdiff was not present when
the client try to update, but the clamav record dns was up to date.

What should I do to avoid this ?

- Run the crontab every 15 min ?
- modify the client freshclam.conf file ?  I just use DatabaseMirror proxy
for now. Should I turn off scripted update ?

Thank you for you help !

Best regards

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