Even with a submission-ID (which I have not recently received either) you won’t 
really be able to “track” a submission.

You will be notified when your sample has been processed by e-mail (if signed 
up for clamav-virusdb) at which time you will have to search recent releases 
for your name to verify which update it includes it, then run ClamAV to find 
out whether it was removed or not.

Not particularly user friendly, but that’s the way it currently works.


On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 05:27 AM, Klaas TJEBBES wrote:
> I've submitted several false positives but at the end of the submission form 
> I don't get any "submission-ID" so I cannot track my submissions.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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