I swear when I first read the subject I thought it said BlockMorons and immediately thought it would be a good feature. :)


On 2/10/16 1:05 AM, David Shrimpton wrote:

clamscan doesn't appear to have an option equivalent to the
OLE2BlockMacros in clamd.conf for clamdscan.

clamdscan will report Heuristics.OLE2.ContainsMacros FOUND for a file with 
if OLE2BlockMacros is yes but clamscan doesn't appear to be able to do this.

clamscan does however have a --heuristic-scan-precedence equivalent
to HeuristicScanPrecedence from clamd.conf which controls behaviour
of OLE2BlockMacros if file is detected by both Heuristic and real signatures.

Is there a way to turn on the OLE2BlockMacros behaviour with clamscan ?

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