Then you need to report that as a False Positive by uploading dnsapi.dll to  If you joint the clamav-virusdb list you 
will be notified when it’s been taken care of.


Al Varnell
ClamXav User

On Feb 17, 2016, at 10:24 AM, JD Ackle <> wrote:

> Concerning the Shopperz detection, I got it on a Windows system file ( 
> C:\Windows/System32/dnsapi.dll ) and the its full name is: 
> Win.Trojan.Shopperz-381dnsapi.dll is a Windows system file without which 
> Windows will not connect to the Internet (at least on my WiFi setup).ClamAV 
> also detected Sopperz-381 on the same file, in a different location (cached?) 
> on the same Windows system: 
> Windows/WinSxS/amd64_microsoft-windows-dns-client-minwin_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10586.0_none_22114c18cd7ccd17/dnsapi.dllThe
>  first time I ran ClamAV on these files (first scan = detection) was 
> immediately after installing Windows 10 from a DVD burned with an ISO file 
> downloaded from Microsoft's site. After my first login to that Windows system 
> I rebooted to a Linux Live DVD (NO network connection was made until after 
> booting Linux - which I performed in order to install ClamAV and run 
> freshclam).VirusTotal thinks it's "probably harmless" but Antiy-AVL agrees 
> with ClamAV that it contains a 
> Trojan:
>  FYI at least since version 8 of Windows, there is this Microsoft Shop 
> application that enables you to download free/bought software - I'm guessing 
> there might me some code in dnsapi.dll facilitating that feature.

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