You could try (man clamd.conf)

*LeaveTemporaryFiles BOOL*
   Do not remove temporary files (for debug purpose).
Default: no

On 2/18/16 9:48 AM, Michael Grant wrote:
Then let me be more clear...

I want to reject the message.  I do not want the message arriving at the
recipient.  However, the message that is passed to clamd, if this is
discovered to contain a virus, I want to save that into a file in a
directory so that I can come back later and look at it.

Ignore anything about delivering it.  That is not pertinent.  For all
intents and purposes, the message with a virus is rejected at the SMTP
level before the SMTP connection goes away.

On 18 February 2016 at 18:25, Dennis Peterson <> wrote:

On 2/18/16 9:21 AM, Michael Grant wrote:

The reason I want to do this is that I want to reject virus messages while
the smtp connection is still alive, but after the fact, if there was a
false positive, I'd like to be able to send the message on through
after the fact.
You say here you would "want to reject virus messages... like to be able
to send the message on through anyway after the fact". You can't have it
both ways. Reject it or send it through or rephrase what you wish to do.


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