Can you post the error here? That image is impossible to read. 

> On May 21, 2016, at 8:35 PM, Nathan Parker <> 
> wrote:
> I recently installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2 I believe) on a VM on my 
> Mac. I have been trying to install ClamAV on it and get clamscan and 
> freshclam functioning. I am running into some issues.
> Here’s a link to my post on Red Hat forums with an image of my Terminal 
> output with the error messages (I’m not on my RHEL VM at the moment). 
> Can someone inform me what is not functioning correctly with my ClamAV 
> installation and help me resolve this? I will also need to get ClamAV 
> installed on a Ubuntu VM as well.
> Thanks!
> Nathan Parker
> President/CEO
> Mallard Computer, Inc.
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