Haven't seen those in a couple years.   They were big in the late 90's.

Joel Esler

On May 30, 2016, at 10:21 AM, Kris Deugau 
<kdeu...@vianet.ca<mailto:kdeu...@vianet.ca>> wrote:

Groach wrote:
As a side note:  is anyone surprised a virus hasnt been released,
embedded in a  'password protected' Zip file (to fool AV scans) with the
body of the email sayuing something like "to fight against viruses and
to protect you, it is password protected.  Your password is:  ABC123" ?
That is bound to fool some users, aint it.  (Or has this already been
done and I havent seen it)?

I've seen a couple of those, although none recently.  I don't recall if
I archived a copy for reference or not.

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