Hi all,

I have two VMs running clamav and I monitor both with a simple nagios check (it 
sends, PING, waits for PONG).  I have been getting quite a few notifications 
lately after adding sane security and other 3rd party AV rulesets.  Looking at 
the logs, I see that my timeouts line up with the reloading messages:

Nov 20 16:39:02 spam-a clamd[1417]: Reading databases from /var/db/clamav
Nov 20 16:41:14 spam-a clamd[1417]: Database correctly reloaded (7986341 

I do have two servers, so if this is expected behavior, I’ll just make nagios 
less touchy and let the mail server just fail over to the other box.  If not, 
what can be done to maintain availability while the db reloads?  I currently 
reload every hour (based on clamd.conf), occasionally more often if there are 
new rules detected by clamav-unofficial-sigs.


Charles Sprickman
Bway.net - New York's Best Internet www.bway.net

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