Ah ha! Some progress:

# First, I'll extract the attachment:
$ ripmime -v -i /var/spool/mqueue/dfuBJBh64e020058
Decoding filename=textfile0
Decoding filename=textfile1
Decoding filename=Payslip_Dec_2016_84286914.doc

# try vanilla clamscan (nothing found):

$ clamscan Payslip_Dec_2016_84286914.doc
Payslip_Dec_2016_84286914.doc: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 5314698
Engine version: 0.99.2
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.18 MB
Data read: 0.03 MB (ratio 5.75:1)
Time: 6.143 sec (0 m 6 s)
1 21:44:18 root@mail:~

# Next try with block-macros:

$ clamscan --block-macros=yes Payslip_Dec_2016_84286914.doc
Payslip_Dec_2016_84286914.doc: Heuristics.OLE2.ContainsMacros FOUND

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 5314698
Engine version: 0.99.2
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 0.01 MB
Data read: 0.03 MB (ratio 0.25:1)
Time: 5.380 sec (0 m 5 s)

Extracting the attachment, then running clamscan --block-macros=yes does
find the "ContainsMacros" notice. Also, reconstructing the email file using both
header and data components as you've instructed also works (if I specify
--block-macros=yes, apparently the settings in /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf aren't

Too bad I cannot scan a email datafile directly as that is what is readily
accesible when dealing with the quarantine queue. Perhaps something the clamav
dev folk could look into some day.

My best bet, then, is to extract the df file, then run clamscan on it directly.
That's easier than reconsituting the email.

Thanks for the help. That's what I was looking for!


-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:26:29 +1000 (AEST)
From: David Shrimpton <d.shrimp...@its.uq.edu.au>
To: ClamAV users ML <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] No notice of OLE2.ContainsMacros

> $ clamscan -a -v -z --block-macros=yes /var/spool/mqueue/dfuBJBh64e020058
> Scanning /var/spool/mqueue/dfuBJBh64e020058
> /var/spool/mqueue/dfuBJBh64e020058: OK

The dfuBJBh64e020058 file looks like a sendmail queue datafile, in which
case it would have no email headers and contain only mime encoding eg base64
and just be a plain text file and not an email file to clamav, so scan negative.

If you extract the email file from the queue files, or extract the Office file
from the mime part in the df file  and re-scan
this may work.

For sendmail quarantined queue file something like the
following will extract the email file:

cat hfuBJBh64e020058 dfuBJBh64e020058 > somefile
Edit somefile to remove the unwanted lines down to the
start of the email headers eg the first H??Received: , then
remove H?? at start of lines and change the '.' on its own at
the end to just a newline (to mark the end of headers)

(Use qf instead of hf for a non quarantine queue file,
 but also bear in mind that queue processing by the mail daemon
 may be writing to a qf but not a hf file.)

Rescan and clamav should recognize as email file and extract
and scan any attachments.

David Shrimpton
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