
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Arnaud Jacques / SecuriteInfo.com
<webmas...@securiteinfo.com> wrote:
> Hello Alex,
>> Wed Dec 28 19:05:52 2016 -> Downloading securiteinfo.hdb [*]
>> Wed Dec 28 19:05:54 2016 -> WARNING: [LibClamAV] cli_loadhash: Problem
>> parsing database at line 3416821
>> Wed Dec 28 19:05:54 2016 -> WARNING: [LibClamAV] Can't load
>> /var/lib/clamav/clamav-a0e1b3646bf0af582c18764ec2fd4
> This night I has upload failure for securiteinfo.hdb resulting a corrupted
> file. This is resolved now.

I'd like to eliminate the possibility of this happening again. How did
freshclam allow a corrupt database to be installed in the clamd
database directory?

Should I be checking the freshclam return value?
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