Or is it based on older versions, like most of the items contained in those 
documents?  I suspect that the ClamWin developers are the only ones that can 
tell us what has been or will be done about it.


On Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 03:03 AM, Groach wrote:
> So what are we saying?
> Clamwin people need to be made aware of this?  Or ARE aware of this and 
> complicit?  Or people are just paranoid and its nothing more than bad 
> implementation/software but otherwise causes no problems?  Or simpy dont 
> care?  (I hope its not the last 2 because they simply dont put effort into 
> the ports and indeed only do so if there is a noticeable benefit in 
> functionality).
> On 09/03/2017 08:45, Steve Basford wrote:
>> Just for those who hasn't spotted ClamWin in the leak:
>> https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_27262995.html
>> Clam Portable
>> http://portableapps.com/apps/security/clamwin_portable
>> ClamWin:
>> http://www.clamwin.com/

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