On 28.03.17 22:33, Antonio Pavletich wrote:
Since upgrading I'm found clamd is spiking and staying put at 100%.

I've deleted all files in /var/lib/clamav & re-ran freshclam only to have
the same issue occur on the next inbound email?

top - 11:07:58 up 3 days,  3:49,  2 users,  load average: 2.96, 4.30, 2.19

note that some time after start, clamd loads, virus signatures from disk
unpacks them and builds in-memory databse, so it is expected to eat 100% of
CPU for a few minutes.

logs spew out repeats of the below continuously?

Tue Mar 28 11:20:19 2017 -> +++ Started at Tue Mar 28 11:20:19 2017
Tue Mar 28 11:20:19 2017 -> Received 1 file descriptor(s) from systemd.

Tue Mar 28 11:20:27 2017 -> +++ Started at Tue Mar 28 11:20:27 2017
Tue Mar 28 11:20:27 2017 -> Received 1 file descriptor(s) from systemd.

Tue Mar 28 11:20:33 2017 -> +++ Started at Tue Mar 28 11:20:33 2017
Tue Mar 28 11:20:33 2017 -> Received 1 file descriptor(s) from systemd.

this looks like either the clamav process is crashing, or there is an error
related to how clamd is started from systemd, so systemd kills it and starts
it repeatedly again  and again...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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