nobswolf wrote:

I just added virus support by ClamAV to my email-server. I am almost
satisfied. It already catched some "zero days".

But I'd like to separate the detection of junk from the detection of
malware. So I'd like to disable the junk detection in ClamAV.

I commented out the Jurl-DB and I tried "PhishingScanURLs false". I
restarted the service. But still it detects spam:

Sanesecurity.Jurlbl.5ac7a2.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

Both Sanesecurity (and several other third-party signature sets) and the upstream stock signatures mix actual malware with almost-certainly-unwanted-but-not-actually-malware signatures.

With third-party sets, you could walk through the signature names, and build some local scripting to split the datasets as you please - I've started to do this locally.

The other thing you might consider is to modify whatever calls ClamAV to handle different "viruses" in different ways.

For instance, I've recently set up a secondary Clam instance with both an extract of third-party signatures, and a handful of local signatures, to be called from and scored in SpamAssassin instead of called directly and treated as an absolute yes/no result.

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