On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:14:43 +0200
Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.eu> wrote:

> Bob Williams skrev den 2017-07-12 11:30:
> > Thank you. The openSUSE updater has a method of locking packages to
> > prevent unwanted updates, which I have now applied:
> > 
> > # zypper al clamav-database  
> in that case you would uninstall freshclam, else you get unstable 
> results
The command I gave above prevents the updater from downloading clamav-database, 
leaving the job to freshclam. So no, I don't want to uninstall freshclam.

> notify opensuse maintainers to not provide clamav-database, let 
> freshclam do its work please
Opensuse provide clamav-database so that new installations of clamav have 
something to work with. My mistake was to continue fetching clamav-database 
from the opensuse repo, instead of using freshclam.

> i remember when clamav tarball was holding current databases, so
> gentoo users have to download old data to get new clamav source code,
> now this is solved, but seems opensuse have to learn more still :=)
> note freshclam is a daemon aswell as clamd, when both runs as so it 
> works perfectly
> on top of that disable systemd for clamd and freshclam, this 2 things 
> are not designed to be used from systemd at all
Seems to work OK here

> i hate precompiled problems
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Bob Williams
   System:  Linux 4.4.74-18.20-default
   Distro:  openSUSE 42.2 (x86_64)
   Desktop: KDE Frameworks: 5.26.0, Qt: 5.6.1 and Plasma: 5.8.2

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