Are MP3 files ignored because it is impossible that MP3 software ever
has buffer overflows or other security flaws???

Or is it because MP3 files are compressed (i.e., random-looking) and
thus may cause false positives? What about all the other compressed or
encrypted file types which might do the same?

In other words, I don't understand why they all would be ignored.

On Mon, 17 Jul 2017 17:22:52 -0400
Steven Morgan <> wrote:

> Rosika,
> The reason the MP3 file is not scanned is because the file type
> signatures for MP3 direct that they are ignored. Particularly:
>   and
> These definitions are in the daily.ftm file of the ClamAV virus
> database.
> Steve
> ​
> On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Christian <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to scan an mp3-file (about 60 MB in size).
> > My command is:
> >
> > clamscan
> > /home/rosika/Schreibtisch/Dokumente/Hörspiele/Sherlock_Holmes/hörspiel.mp3
> >
> > Yet I get the message: "Data scanned: 0.00 MB"
> > First I thought that the file was too large, so I used a new
> > command:
> >
> > clamscan --max-filesize=300M --max-scansize=300M
> > /home/rosika/Schreibtisch/Dokumente/Hörspiele/Sherlock_Holmes/hörspiel.mp3
> >
> > But this didn´t work either.
> > In the meantime I think that´s due to the nature of the respective
> > file. The file being mp3.
> > Could this be the case?
> >
> > I also tried:
> >
> > dd
> > if=/home/rosika/Schreibtisch/Dokumente/Hörspiele/Sherlock_
> > Holmes/hörspiel.mp3
> > | clamscan -
> >
> > Output:
> >
> > 126592+1 Datensätze ein
> > 126592+1 Datensätze aus
> > 64815503 bytes (65 MB, 62 MiB) copied, 10,9642 s, 5,9 MB/s
> > stdin: OK
> >
> > ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
> > Known viruses: 6299938
> > Engine version: 0.99.2
> > Scanned directories: 0
> > Scanned files: 1
> > Infected files: 0
> > Data scanned: 0.00 MB
> > Data read: 61.81 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
> > Time: 11.596 sec (0 m 11 s)
> >
> > Is there any way of scanning mp3-files with clamscan?
> >
> > Greetings.
> > Rosika
> >
> >
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