On Mon, July 17, 2017 10:22 pm, Alex wrote:
> Hi guys, just submitted an "ace" archive with a .cmd inside.
> # sha1sum PROFORMA\ INVOICE_xls.ace
> 97757622d5d568b01faa9d662818eebd40b1e0c0  PROFORMA INVOICE_xls.ace


I've added Sanesecurity.Malware.27099.AceHeur.Cmd​ to the detections...​

> We've now disabled "ace" files (who even knew they existed?)

I used to use .ace a loooog time ago... but for those that don't know...

" ACE is a proprietary data compression archive file format developed by
Marcel Lemke, and later bought by e-merge GmbH. The peak of its popularity
was 1999–2001, when it provided slightly better compression rates than
RAR, which has since become more popular."
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACE_(compression_file_format)

Also, a few .ace files that have come through... aren't really ace files
but renamed rar files... in this case though it's an ace file.


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