Please don't include signatures that apply to "Any File" in an e-mail as it was 
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On Thu, Oct 05, 2017 at 01:42 AM, Hajo Locke wrote:
> since yesterday we found a lot of malware called 
> Ppt.Exploit.CVE_2017_0199-6336815-1
> Hitrate is extremly increasing. Currently i believe this is a FP.
> Signature looks short:
> Ppt.Exploit.CVE_2017_0199-6336815-1 <snip>
> This decodes to:
> <snip>
> Unfortunately i cant sent samples of found docx-files, because they are 
> privat.
> Anybody else noticed this behaviour?
> Thanks,
> Hajo

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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