As much as I hate to disable selinux, I did that earlier in the thread.  
Surprisingly it is not the culprit, even after a restorecon -r.

Newer info has static as the proper systemd call for clamd.  I've found that in 
using your .service my whole cloud instance would HANG a few seconds later, and 
stay hung.  This should never never happen in Linux.

I finally gave up trying to use the unix:socket and enabled the tcp:socket, as 
recommended by an earlier poster.  Fortunately that completely works with 
-milter.  Hate doing it this way, but I've lost enough time on this stupid 

Also I've gone back to CentOS' native .service files for clamd and 
clamav-milter.  All is working well AFAICT.

unix:socket is just snakebit, and haunted...

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [clamav-users] clamav-milter Can't Find Clamd
> Local Time: November 8, 2017 3:38 PM
> UTC Time: November 8, 2017 11:38 PM
> From:
> To:
> Am 09.11.2017 um 00:13 schrieb Colony.three:
>> Yes my first posts were not close to the problem, as there was an evolution 
>> in my thinking through the thread. It was only in the last couple posts that 
>> I'd narrowed down the cause.
>> Well that's a pretty impressive setup. I've gone through line-by-like and 
>> made my system very similar. Now I am getting logging, but in the log over 
>> and over:
>> ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /run/clamd/clamd.sock could not be bound: No such 
>> file or directory
>> Same problem, even though my .service file is -forking- now and other 
>> settings are like yours.
>> that below is a production setup running from 2014 until now on Fedora
>> with several dist-upgrades - do you have SELinux enabled?
>> if so try to disable it and if it works then find someone with SELinux
>> knowledge, i don't touch it after i found strange log entries in my
>> samba and finally the reason was SELinux killed the iptables service
>> Type=forking for clamd (Fedora has Type=simple as default) because the
>> depending services are starting clean - with Type=simple systemd has no
>> knowledge if the service is initalized, clamd don't respond properly
>> while loading the signatures and the rest of the mailsystem get started
>> too soon
>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [clamav-users] clamav-milter Can't Find Clamd
>>> Local Time: November 7, 2017 4:26 PM
>>> UTC Time: November 8, 2017 12:26 AM
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> Am 08.11.2017 um 00:06 schrieb Colony.three:
>>>> Am 07.11.2017 um 22:46 schrieb Colony.three:
>>>>>> So much for that theory. There are about a million of these in the 
>>>>>> logfile. It's not making its own socket for unknown reasons which may be 
>>>>>> New To Science.
>>>>>> well, that looks like clamd is restarted again and again because it's
>>>>>> failing, most likely /run/clamd.scan/ don't exist or has the wrong
>>>>>> permissions
>>>> Correct, /run/clamd.scan/ does -not- exist. Why? Because the clamd@ 
>>>> service destroys it on restart. (along with its socket) I could merrily 
>>>> re-create the directory and socket all day long, but on restart it would 
>>>> only be wiped out again. Of course the permissions are correct, as per 
>>>> above; it couldn't have been destroyed by the service otherwise.
>>>>>> "systemctl status" as well as the syslogs should tell you that the
>>>>>> service is failing if you just look at it
>>>>>> are you aware that /run is a tmpfs and hence anything below does not
>>>>>> survive a reboot?
>>>> Why yes, I am. As I say, clamd destroys its socket directory on stop, but 
>>>> then does not re-create it on start, like it's supposed to.
>>>> This is the problem which I have been trying to explain
>>>> you explained it very bad when you initial post conatins all sort of
>>>> config snippets, even milter related ones instead focus on the problem
>>>> clamd itself don't start properly - simply becaus ein that case anything
>>>> else don't matter until clad is up and running fine and to make it
>>>> harder you don#t post your complete systemd-unit, at least not at the
>>>> thread start
>>>> well, i disabled all the services and made my own units years ago as i
>>>> do for any production stuff below /etc/systemd/system/ and be it only to
>>>> ensure Type=simple, automatic restart and not start any process as root
>>>> when it's not needed to begin with
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [root@localhost:~]$ cat /etc/systemd/system/clamd.service
>>> [Unit]
>>> Description=ClamAV Scanner Daemon
>>> [Service]
>>> Type=forking
>>> Environment="TMPDIR=/tmp"
>>> Environment="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"
>>> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf
>>> ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -SIGUSR2 $MAINPID
>>> Restart=always
>>> RestartSec=1
>>> Nice=5
>>> User=clamscan
>>> Group=clamilt
>>> PrivateTmp=yes
>>> PrivateDevices=yes
>>> PrivateNetwork=no
>>> NoNewPrivileges=yes
>>> CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_KILL
>>> RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6
>>> SystemCallArchitectures=x86-64
>>> ReadOnlyDirectories=/
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=/run/clamd.scan
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=/run/clamd
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=/var/log
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=/tmp
>>> [root@localhost:~]$ cat /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf
>>> User clamscan
>>> AllowSupplementaryGroups yes
>>> PidFile /run/clamd.scan/
>>> TemporaryDirectory /tmp
>>> DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
>>> OfficialDatabaseOnly no
>>> LocalSocket /run/clamd/clamd.sock
>>> LocalSocketMode 0666
>>> MaxConnectionQueueLength 100
>>> StreamMaxLength 35M
>>> StreamMinPort 31000
>>> StreamMaxPort 32000
>>> MaxThreads 10
>>> MaxQueue 50
>>> ReadTimeout 120
>>> CommandReadTimeout 5
>>> SendBufTimeout 200
>>> IdleTimeout 30
>>> ExcludePath ^/proc/
>>> ExcludePath ^/sys/
>>> MaxDirectoryRecursion 20
>>> FollowDirectorySymlinks no
>>> FollowFileSymlinks no
>>> CrossFilesystems yes
>>> SelfCheck 86400
>>> ExitOnOOM yes
>>> Foreground no
>>> Debug no
>>> LeaveTemporaryFiles no
>>> AllowAllMatchScan no
>>> DetectPUA no
>>> AlgorithmicDetection yes
>>> DisableCache no
>>> ScanPE yes
>>> DisableCertCheck yes
>>> ScanELF yes
>>> DetectBrokenExecutables yes
>>> ScanOLE2 yes
>>> OLE2BlockMacros no
>>> ScanPDF yes
>>> ScanSWF yes
>>> ScanMail yes
>>> ScanPartialMessages no
>>> PhishingSignatures yes
>>> PhishingScanURLs no
>>> PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch no
>>> PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak no
>>> PartitionIntersection no
>>> HeuristicScanPrecedence yes
>>> StructuredDataDetection no
>>> ScanHTML yes
>>> ScanArchive yes
>>> ArchiveBlockEncrypted no
>>> MaxScanSize 50M
>>> MaxFileSize 50M
>>> MaxRecursion 10
>>> MaxFiles 10000
>>> MaxEmbeddedPE 10M
>>> MaxHTMLNormalize 10M
>>> MaxHTMLNoTags 2M
>>> MaxScriptNormalize 5M
>>> MaxZipTypeRcg 5M
>>> MaxPartitions 50
>>> MaxIconsPE 100
>>> ScanOnAccess no
>>> Bytecode yes
>>> BytecodeSecurity TrustSigned
>>> BytecodeTimeout 2000
>>> StatsEnabled no
>>> StatsPEDisabled yes
>>> LogFile /var/log/clamscan.log
>>> LogFileMaxSize 32M
>>> LogTime yes
>>> LogClean no
>>> ExtendedDetectionInfo yes
>>> LogFileUnlock yes
>>> [root@localhost:~]$ cat /etc/systemd/system/clamav-milter.service
>>> [Unit]
>>> Description=ClamAV Postfix-Milter
>>> Wants=clamd.service
>>> After=clamd.service
>>> Before=postfix.service
>>> [Service]
>>> Type=simple
>>> Environment="TMPDIR=/tmp"
>>> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/clamav-milter -c /etc/mail/clamav-milter.conf
>>> User=clamilt
>>> Group=clamilt
>>> Environment="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"
>>> Restart=always
>>> RestartSec=1
>>> Nice=5
>>> PrivateTmp=yes
>>> PrivateDevices=yes
>>> PrivateNetwork=yes
>>> NoNewPrivileges=yes
>>> CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_KILL
>>> RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6
>>> SystemCallArchitectures=x86-64
>>> ReadOnlyDirectories=/
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=-/run/clamav-milter
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=-/run/clamd
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=-/tmp
>>> ReadWriteDirectories=-/var/log
>>> [root@localhost:~]$ cat /etc/mail/clamav-milter.conf
>>> Postfix Milter-Konfiguration
>>> Pre-Queue Virenscanner
>>> Postfix muss in die "clamilt"-Usergruppe
>>> usermod -a -G clamilt postfix
>>> usermod -a -G sa-milt postfix
>>> User clamilt
>>> AllowSupplementaryGroups yes
>>> MilterSocket /run/clamav-milter/clamav-milter.socket
>>> MilterSocketMode 0660
>>> ClamdSocket unix:/run/clamd/clamd.sock
>>> FixStaleSocket yes
>>> ReadTimeout 120
>>> Foreground yes
>>> TemporaryDirectory /tmp
>>> LocalNet
>>> MaxFileSize 35M
>>> OnClean Accept
>>> OnFail Defer
>>> OnInfected Reject
>>> RejectMsg Virus found or dangerous attachment: "%v"
>>> AddHeader Replace
>>> LogFile /var/log/clamav-milter.log
>>> LogFileUnlock yes
>>> LogFileMaxSize 128M
>>> LogTime yes
>>> LogSyslog yes
>>> LogFacility LOG_MAIL
>>> LogVerbose no
>>> LogRotate yes
>>> LogInfected Off
>>> LogClean Off
>>> SupportMultipleRecipients yes
>>> Whitelist /etc/mail/clamav-milter-whitelist.conf
>>> [root@localhost:~]$ cat /etc/tmpfiles.d/clamd.conf
>>> d /run/clamd 0775 clamscan clamilt
>>> [root@localhost:~]$ cat /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/clamd.scan.conf
>>> d /var/run/clamd.scan 0710 clamscan clamscan
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>>> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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