On 19.12.17 12:28, Dan Rawson wrote:
"clamscan -v --stdout -r" and "clamdscan -v --stdout" take approximately the same time.  They both use all of a single core on my quad-core machine (25% of the available CPU cycles).

as expected.

Running "clamdscan -m -v --stdout" completes in approximately 1/4 the
time, but it uses essentially 100% of my available CPU cycles.

of course - that's what is it supposed to do.

Even starting the file manager took 20 or 30 seconds with that scan

you have 4 threads using CPU cycles and doing hard I/O, which is probably
limiting factor. Maybe used RAM too...

you can reduce number of clamd threads running by using option MaxThreads in
clamd.conf and see how much it helps.

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