same here. #fail :-P

I guess we'll have to live with that until Talos people go back to
office. Reminds me a bit of that broken signature recently... push stuff
Thursday evening, then go home.

Maybe the releases need a better timing. Like in the morning hours of
Talos Office Time, to allow ample buffer for community feedback and
emergency fixes. And while we're at it, maybe not on Fridays, just to
ensure European, African, Asian and Oceanic sysadmins get to enjoy their

On 01.03.2018 22:57, Yuri wrote:
>  # freshclam
> ClamAV update process started at Fri Mar  2 03:55:59 2018
> WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
> WARNING: Local version: 0.99.4 Recommended version: 0.99.3
> main.cld is up to date (version: 58, sigs: 4566249, f-level: 60,
> builder: sigmgr)
> daily.cld is up to date (version: 24354, sigs: 1863576, f-level: 63,
> builder: neo)
> bytecode.cld is up to date (version: 319, sigs: 75, f-level: 63,
> builder: neo)
> :-D
> Funny message :) Hello from future :-!
> 02.03.2018 03:39, Joel Esler (jesler) пишет:
>> ClamAV 0.99.4 has been released!
>> Join us as we welcome ClamAV 0.99.4 to the family!
>> 0.99.4 Release Notes
>> 0.99.4 is a security patch release, quick on the heels of the 0.99.3 
>> security patch release.  This is a renewal of our commitment to the ClamAV 
>> community for timely fixes to critical issues.
>> 0.99.4 addresses a few outstanding vulnerability bugs.  It includes fixes 
>> for:
>>   *   
>> CVE-2012-6706<>
>>   *   
>> CVE-2017-6419<>
>>   *   
>> CVE-2017-11423<>
>>   *   
>> CVE-2018-1000085<>
>> There are also a few bug fixes that were not assigned CVE’s, but were 
>> important enough to address while we had the chance.  One of these was the 
>> notorious file descriptor exhaustion bug that caused outages late last 
>> January.
>> In addition to the above, 0.99.4 fixes:
>>   *   
>> CVE-2018-0202<>
>>      *   Two newly reported vulnerabilities in the PDF parsing code.
>>   *   GCC 6, C++11 compatibility issues.
>> A big "thank you" to everyone out there contributing patches, bug reports, 
>> and helping support the ClamAV community via our mailing 
>> lists<> and IRC channel.
>> Thank you to the following ClamAV community members for your code 
>> submissions and bug reports!
>> Alberto Garcia
>> Bernhard Vogel
>> Francisco Oca
>> Hanno Böck
>> Jeffrey Yasskin
>> Keith Jones
>> mtowalski
>> Suleman Ali
>> yongji.oy
>> xrym
>> Stay tuned for the upcoming 0.100.0 release candidate!
>> --
>> Joel Esler | Talos: Manager |<>
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