Tilman is correct.  Thank you.

Reindl, it is not productive, nor helpful on an Open Source product to berate 
people like that.  That does not foster a sense of community, and helps no one. 
 We can't expect people to come here and ask for help and work out the problems 
with our answers and suggestions unless this is a warm and welcoming community. 
 That's what it needs to be.

Joel Esler | Talos: Manager | jes...@cisco.com<mailto:jes...@cisco.com>

On Mar 8, 2018, at 4:08 AM, Tilman Schmidt 
<tschm...@cardtech.de<mailto:tschm...@cardtech.de>> wrote:

What definitely isn't fine is this endless griping about how people
should phrase their questions differently, know more than they do, have
read this and that (blindly assuming that they hadn't) and so on which
contributes exactly nothing to a solution.

What isn't fine either is rude language.

Joel's reaction was the appropriate one: neither jumping to conclusions
nor berating the person seeking help, but cleary and politely asking for
the missing information.

Sorry for contributing to the flamewar but I have observed this long
enough now to run out of patience.

Am 08.03.2018 um 01:08 schrieb Reindl Harald:

Am 07.03.2018 um 22:10 schrieb Joel Esler (jesler):
Which is perfectly fine.  The mailing lists are the correct place for
people to ask for help.  Should people read the archives?  Yes.
Should people read FAQs?  Yes.  But largely, they won't.  So we need
to help our community.

nothing is perfectly fine - they should quote the damned message they
are talking about in the initial post

"understanding the issue with the warning being logged by freshclam"
without mentioning said message is a joke


On Mar 7, 2018, at 2:05 PM, Reindl Harald
<h.rei...@thelounge.net<mailto:h.rei...@thelounge.net>> wrote:
if only the OP would have taken time to mention the exact message
unasked in his original post - i love people starting with "I just
subscribed to the list in the hopes of understanding the issue with
the warning being logged by freshclam"
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