ClamAV 0.100.0 has been released!
Join us as we welcome ClamAV 0.100.0 to the family officially.  You can grab 
it, as always, from the downloads page on<>.

ClamAV 0.100.0 is a feature release which includes many code submissions from 
the ClamAV community.  Some of the more prominent submissions include:

  *   Interfaces to the Prelude SIEM open source package for collecting ClamAV 
virus events.
  *   Support for Visual Studio 2015 for Windows builds.  Please note that we 
have deprecated support for Windows XP, and while Vista may still work, we no 
longer test ClamAV on Windows XP or Vista.
  *   Support libmspack internal code or as a shared object library. The 
internal library is the default and includes modifications to enable parsing of 
CAB files that do not entirely adhere to the CAB file format.
  *   Linking with OpenSSL 1.1.0.
  *   Deprecation of the AllowSupplementaryGroups parameter statement in clamd, 
clamav-milter, and freshclam. Use of supplementary is now in effect by default.
  *   Numerous bug fixes, typo corrections, and compiler warning fixes.

Additionally, we have introduced important changes and new features in ClamAV 
0.100, including but not limited to:

  *   Deprecating internal LLVM code support. The configure script has changed 
to search the system for an installed instance of the LLVM development 
libraries, and to otherwise use the bytecode interpreter for ClamAV bytecode 
signatures. To use the LLVM Just-In-Time compiler for executing bytecode 
signatures, please ensure that the LLVM development package at version 3.6 or 
lower is installed. Using the deprecated LLVM code is possible with the 
command: ./configure --with-system-llvm=no, but it no longer compiles on all 
  *   Compute and check PE import table hash (a.k.a. "imphash") signatures.
  *   Support file property collection and analysis for MHTML files.
  *   Raw scanning of PostScript files.
  *   Fix clamsubmit to use the new virus and false positive submission web 
  *   Optionally, flag files with the virus "Heuristic.Limits.Exceeded" when 
size limitations are exceeded.
  *   Improved decoders for PDF files.
  *   Reduced number of compile time warnings.
  *   Improved support for C++11.
  *   Improved detection of system installed libraries.
  *   Fixes to ClamAV's Container system and the introduction of Intermediates 
for more descriptive signatures.
  *   Improvements to clamd's On-Access scanning capabilities for Linux.


The ClamAV team thanks the following individuals for their code submissions:

  *   Andreas Schulze
  *   Anthony Chan
  *   Bill Parker
  *   Chris Miserva
  *   Daniel J. Luke
  *   Georgy Salnikov
  *   James Ralston
  *   Jonas Zaddach
  *   Keith Jones
  *   Marc Deslauriers
  *   Mark Allan
  *   Matthew Boedicker
  *   Michael Pelletier
  *   Ningirsu
  *   Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
  *   Stephen Welker
  *   Tuomo Soini

Known Issues

ClamAV has an active issue queue and enjoys continual improvement but as sad as
 I am to say it, we couldn't address every bug in this release.  I want to draw
 your attention a couple bugs in particular so as not to frustrate users
 setting up ClamAV:

  *   Platform: macOS:
     *   Bug:  If you attempt to build ClamAV with a system installed LLVM you 
may receive a linker error.  We recently changed default linking behavior to 
prefer dynamic linking over static linking.  As a result, we've uncovered a bug 
in building on macOS where dynamic linking against the LLVM libraries fails.  
To work around this bug, please add the --with-llvm-linking=static option to 
your ./configure call.

  *   Platform: CentOS 6 32bit, older versions of AIX:
     *   Bug:  On CentOS 6 32bit we observed that specific versions of zlib 
fail to correctly decompress the CVD signature databases.  If you are on an 
older system such as CentoOS 6 32bit and observe failures loading the signature 
database, please consider upgrading to a newer version of zlib.

  *   Platform: Miscellaneous
     *   Bug:  When cross compiling on certain legacy systems (Solaris, AIX, 
OSX) against older system libraries that do not support strn functions linking 
may fail during compile time. While automatic checking is done during configure 
time to check for unsupported libs, this problem can be manually avoided using 
the --enable-strni configure flag if it is encountered.
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