Good morning Brian,

I went ahead and extracted an 0.100.0 Windows installer and an 0.99.4 Windows 
installer to compare.

It looks as though the old installer does package in the C runtime libraries in 
the Win\System[64].  These are [msvcr100, msvcp100] DLLs that you may need to 
run applications on older versions of Windows that were built with newer 
versions of Visual Studio.

ClamAV 0.100 is built with Visual Studio 2015 now.  In the migration, I had 
some issues with the older project files that create the .msi installers and so 
I recreated them from scratch.  I wasn't aware of the Win\System trick the 
previous installer had used to get the C runtime libraries installed.  To 
provide the same libraries, I chose to provide the setup.exe program which will 
install the dependency if needed before installing ClamAV from the .msi file.

As for the additional .msi file found once you extract the original .msi 
installer.  It looks to me as though previous versions also extract an 
additional .msi file.  Because the name of the installer changed from 
"Setup-x86.msi" to "ClamAV-0.100.0-x64.msi", the .msi installer inside also was 
different.  You should not be concerned about it.  This is what I see when I 
extract the 0.99.4 installer:

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        4/13/2018   8:35 AM                conf_examples
d-----        4/13/2018   8:35 AM                COPYING
d-----        4/13/2018   8:35 AM                Win
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          35840 clambc.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          39424 clamconf.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          96768 clamd.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          53760 clamdscan.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          64512 clamscan.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM         107520 freshclam.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM        6802432 libclamav.dll
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          51712 libclamunrar.dll
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM          14848 libclamunrar_iface.dll
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM        1183232 libeay32.dll
-a----        4/13/2018   8:35 AM         466944 Setup-x86.msi
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM         107008 sigtool.exe
-a----        2/28/2018   7:04 PM         253440 ssleay32.dll

In a bit of positive news about the Windows version of ClamAV, you may notice 
that the sample configs in conf_examples should now be written with Windows in 
mind.  I replaced the Unix paths with Windows paths, and removed some of the 
config options that don't make sense on Windows.


Micah Snyder
ClamAV Development
Cisco Systems, Inc.

On Apr 12, 2018, at 4:06 PM, Brian Fluet <> wrote:

Background:  Using ClamAV for Win32.  My usage has allowed me to use
it without ever having to install it.  Instead I simply extracted the
.msi.  Updates were done by replacing previous files with new ones.

The directory structure of the extracted .msi from the file is different from previous versions.
Gone is the \WIN directory, added is a clamav-0.100.0-x86.msi file
which I fails to extract (using MSIEXEC).

Please let me know whether the missing .dll files normally packaged
in a \WIN\SYSTEM directory is of consequence.

Also, do I need to be concerned with the clamav-0.100.0-x86.msi that
is packaged inside of the clamav-0.100.0-x86.msi that was extracted
from the downloaded .zip?



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