The problem still exists. All the messages turn out to be triggered by
one single JAR file in the Java deployment cache:

~/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/6/41d72bc6-2cd5ef82: OK

~/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/6$ ls -l 41d72bc6-2cd5ef82
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tschmidt tschmidt 6300341 Jun  8  2017 41d72bc6-2cd5ef82
~/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/6$ file 41d72bc6-2cd5ef82
41d72bc6-2cd5ef82: Java archive data (JAR)

Any thoughts?

Am 20.06.2018 um 10:41 schrieb Tilman Schmidt:
> The last nightly ClamAV scan on one of my machines emitted a series of
> error messages I'm not familiar with:
> LibClamAV Warning: [Bytecode JIT]: Bytecode run timed out, timeout flag set
> LibClamAV Warning: [Bytecode JIT]: recovered from error
> LibClamAV Warning: [Bytecode JIT]: JITed code intercepted runtime error!
> LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 73 failed to run: Time limit reached
>                       ^
>                     (sic!)
> These four lines repeat 60 times, followed by the usual four instances
> of my old friend Bug 12002:
> LibClamAV Warning: Unsupported message format `http' - if you believe
> this file contains a virus, submit it to
> The scan in question covers local user home directories on the machine.
> Regrettably, no hint as to which specific files triggered these messages.
> None of the new messages yield a hit in the ClamAV Bugzilla.
> What are those messages trying to tell me?
> Should I worry?
> Is it worth the effort to bisect the scan to find an actual file whose
> scan triggers the messages?
> Thanks,
> Tilman
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